日 期:2015年 3 月20日
1. 深圳市振东招标代理有限公司(以下简称“招标机构”)受买方(以下简称“招标人”)委托,采用国际竞争性公开招标的方式邀请合格投标人就64排螺旋CT采购项目提交密封投标。
2. 有兴趣的合格投标人可在深圳市振东招标代理有限公司得到进一步的信息和查阅招标文件。
3. 有兴趣的投标人可从_2015年 3 月 20 日起每天(节假日除外)9:30AM-12:00AM和2:00PM-6:00PM时(北京时间)至2015年 4 月 15 日前,在深圳市振东招标代理有限公司购买招标文件,本招标文件每套售价为1000元人民币或170美元,该费用售后不予退还。若邮购,相关购买费用由购买方负责,须另加200元人民币(国内)/50美元(国外)。招标代理机构将不对邮寄过程中可能发生的延误或丢失负责。
4. 所有投标文件应于2015年 4月 15 日北京时间14:30之前递交到下述地址公开开标,并须附投标金额2%的投标保证金。超过该日期及时间的投标将被拒绝,任何以邮递方式的投标,招标人及招标代理机构将不对任何因投标延误而导致的废标承担责任。
5. 所有投标人,需在中国国际招标网网站(www.chinabidding.com)及时注册成功。
邮 编:518001
电 话:86-755-82786028,86-755-82786018/82786038-813
传 真:86-755-82786028
联 系 人:杨小姐、李小姐
行 号:308584001282
帐 号:755914788210601
户 名:深圳市振东招标代理有限公司
Date: 2015-3 -20
Bid No.: 0868-1540ZDA039JD
1. Preparatory Committee For Shenzhen City Government Procurement Center (hereinafter referred to as "purchaser") commissioned SHENZHEN ZHENDONG TENDERING AGENT CO.,LTD (hereinafter referred to as "tendering agent") to invite eligible bidders to submit sealed bids for the procurement of 64-muti detector spiral CT through international competitive bid.
The bidding projects is as follows:one piece 64-muti detector spiral CT.
2. Interested eligible bidders may request further information and inspect the bidding documents from SHENZHEN ZHENDONG TENDERING AGENT CO.,LTD.
3. Interested bidders can purchase the bidding documents at Shenzhen Zhendong Tendering Agent Co.,Ltd everyday from 2015-3 -20(except holidays) 9:30 AM - 12:00 AM and 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM (GMT + 8). to 2015-4-15. The bidding documents priced at RMB1000 or USD170, the cost is not refundable. For mail order, the purchaser is responsible for related expenses which is subject to another 200 Yuan (domestic) / 100 USD (abroad). Tendering agent is not responsible for possible delay or loss in mail process.
4. All bidding documents should be submitted to the following address before 2015-4-15 14:30 PM (GMT + 8) to open publicly, and shall be accompanied by bid security that not less than 2% of the bid amount. Any bid later than that date and time will be rejected. For any bid by post, the purchaser and tendering agent will not be responsible for annulment caused by any delays.
5. All bidders shall promptly register in the China International Bidding website (www.chinabidding.com) successfully.
Bidders submission and opening address: opening room, Shenzhen Zhendong Tendering
Agent Co.,Ltd
6. Name of Tendering Agent: Shenzhen Zhendong Tendering Agent Co.,Ltd
7. Tendering Agent Address: Rm.3,10 F,Block D,(JinLong Building),KingKey Financial Center HongBao Rd.,Luohu District ShenZhen City China
Zip Code: 518001
Tel: 86-755-82786028, 86-755-82786018/82786038-813
Fax: 86-755-82786028
Contact: Miss Yang, Miss Li
Bank information of tendering agent:
Bank Name: Branch of Allianz, Shenzhen Branch, China Merchants Bank
Bank Number: 30858400 1282
Account No.: 755914788210 601
Account Name: Shenzhen Zhendong Tendering Agent Co.,Ltd