
根据联合国第三次发展筹资会议《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》(第14段)的授权,由多边开发银行(Multilateral DevelopmentBanks)共同设立全球基础设施论坛(Global Infrastructure Forum),旨在帮助解决全球基础设施缺口问题,作为实现联合国可持续发展目标(Sustainable Development Goals)的重要措施。这将在现有多边合作机制的基础上,为各国和发展伙伴们提供一个新的合作平台,“促进已有的和新的基础设施行动倡议、多边和各国开发银行、联合国机构、国内机构、发展伙伴及私营部门等提高行动的一致性和合作性”(《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》第14段)。论坛将鼓励各方特别是发展中国家积极发出声音,并将识别和解决基础设施和能力建设缺口,尤其是最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家、小岛屿发展中国家、中等收入国家国内相关区域和非洲国家等的缺口。论坛将彰显广泛的投资和合作机会,将确保投资在环境、社会、经济等方面都是可持续、气候智能和气候适应的,并与《联合国气候变化框架公约》中的国家承诺保持一致。
二是巩固和扩大现有的多边机制,使用包括风险消除和风险分担机制在内的全球和地区平台与工具,进一步促进知识转移、项目准备和实施支持。此类平台和工具已在多边开发银行的密切合作中取得稳步发展,例如全球基础设施基金(GIF)、全球基础设施中心(GIH)、国际基础设施支持系统(International Infrastructure Support System)、PPP知识实验室(PPP Knowledge Lab)、系列《基础设施报告》(Infrascope)、PPP认证(PPPCertification program),以及环境、社会和治理标准等。
依照《联合国气候变化框架公约》国家自主贡献(NationallyDetermined Contributions)目标,推动基础设施的规划和发展;
Chairman’s Statement
GlobalInfrastructure Forum, April 16, 2016
Co-hosted by MDBs (AfDB, AIIB, ADB, EBRD, EIB, IADB, IsDB, NDB and the WBG)
In partnership with UN Agencies and Development Partners
Mandated by the Addis Ababa ActionAgenda (para 14), as an outcome of the Third International Conference onFinancing for Development, the Global Infrastructure Forum is being establishedby the MDBs to help bridge the infrastructure gap, as key for achieving theSustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This will provide a forum for countriesand development partners to work together by building on existing multilateralcollaboration mechanisms, and to “improve alignment and coordination amongestablished and new infrastructure initiatives, multilateral and nationaldevelopment banks, UN agencies, national institutions, development partners,and the private sector.” (AAAA Para 14) It will encourage a greater range ofvoices to be heard, particularly from developing countries, and identify andaddress infrastructure and capacity gaps in particular in LDCs, LLDCs, SIDS,sub-national entities in MICs, and African countries. It will highlightopportunities for investment and cooperation, and work to ensure thatinvestments are environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable,climate-smart and climate-resilient, and in line with partner countries’national commitments under the United Nations Framework Convention on ClimateChange.
The Forum will also support theinfrastructure-related agendas of the G20, G-24, G-77 and g7+ by encouragingMDBs to take joint actions to demonstrate their commitment to infrastructureinvestment.
We, as MDBs and development partners,by nature of our roles and our convening power to partner with both the publicand private sectors, and our ability to deploy a suite of knowledge, advice,financing, and commercial and non-commercial risk mitigation, are committed toworking with countries and investors to support the provision of greater accessto, and better quality of, affordable infrastructure services which areenvironmentally, socially, and economically sustainable. We will do thisthrough a two-pronged approach.
i) We will continue to supportcountry-led approaches to planning, executing, supervising, and evaluatingsustainable, resilient, inclusive, and well-prioritized infrastructure programsand robust infrastructure frameworks. In addition, we will continue to supportthe involvement of all stakeholders in planning, financing through domesticresource mobilization as well as national/international financing, andoperating infrastructure services, including governments, consumers, theprivate sector and civil society; and
ii) We will consolidate and scale upwhere possible existing multilateral mechanisms to promote greater knowledgetransfer, project preparation, and implementation support in the form of globaland regional platforms and tools, including de-risking and risk allocation mechanisms,that have already been developed in close cooperation by MDBs, such as theGlobal Infrastructure Facility, the Global Infrastructure Hub, theInternational Infrastructure Support System, the PPP Knowledge Lab, Infrascope,the PPP Certification program, and environmental, social and governancestandards.
To achieve the objectives of the Forum,we resolve the following.
Improving data and information on infrastructure
MDBs and development partners willendeavor to help client countries to achieve:
better planning and prioritization ofinfrastructure, including improved provision of data, unit costs, andinformation on infrastructure, where feasible;
more informed decisions by the publicand private sectors around investment, which in the case of the public sectormay imply access to support from good advisors;
improved accountability in assetmaintenance and service delivery;
greater levels of disclosure andtransparency; and
a greater voice for users and thepublic at large.
To help achieve this, the MDBs anddevelopment partners agree to work together with client countries to improvedata acquisition and develop systematic reporting where possible, on:
MDB lending and advisory support toinfrastructure, as well as metrics on catalyzation of private investment;
infrastructure spending and investment(both actual and required), asset quality, service standards, and fosteringdisclosure and transparency;
assessments that promote a soundenabling environment to attract increased investment for infrastructure; and
private participation in the deliveryof infrastructure services and the mobilization of long-term finance frominvestors, both domestic and international.
Promoting compatible, efficient approaches
While recognizing differinginstitutional characteristics, country objectives, needs, legal/regulatoryframeworks, including those related to the SDGs and UNFCCC Paris Agreement, andthe diversity of priorities and strategies of the mandates of the MDBs, thelatter and development partners can reduce transaction costs of building andimplementing sustainable infrastructure by continuing the promotion ofefficient approaches to key bottlenecks or constraints, by:
Promoting capacity development bypolicy support, and via project preparation and advisory facilities, technicalassistance, and capacity building support.
Supporting the planning and developmentof infrastructure in the context of Nationally Determined Contributions to theUNFCCC.
Supporting, when appropriate, earlystage project preparation through the International Infrastructure SupportSystem.
Further developing risk managementprinciples and mechanisms for:
approachesto risk allocations in different sectors and markets and associated contractualclauses; and
planninginvestment under uncertainty, to build more resilient assets, notably takinginto account climate change and disaster risks.
Further developing tools for assessing:
fiscalimplications of public investment versus public-private partnerships (PPPs);
risksof implementation of projects as PPPs or as a public option; and
approachesfor improving transparency on infrastructure contracts and projects.
Strengthening the capacity of economicregulators to ensure that efficiency gains obtained throughout the lifecycle ofinfrastructure projects are shared fairly between service providers and users.
Continuing our work on developingenvironmental, social, and governance standards, including through the work ofthe Multilateral Financial Institutions working group on environmental andsocial standards (MFI-WGESS).
Continuing our coordination on climatefinance methods, tools, and approaches for jointly improving the effectivenessof these resources, including for mobilizing new sources of capital forinvestment in low carbon and climate resilient infrastructure services.
Strengthening project preparation
MDBs and development partners agree onthe need to develop sustainable infrastructure project pipelines regardless ofwhether they are funded publicly, privately, or in combination. MDBs anddevelopment partners will continue to support existing and planned projectpreparation facilities and related databases to support countries to prioritizeand prepare bankable pipelines of infrastructure projects (including regionaland cross-border projects), to better negotiate complex legal contracts, and tobetter manage projects.
Promoting financing for infrastructure
The MDBs and developmentpartners will explore taking specific actions to:
Achieve higher levels of private sectorparticipation (PSP) in infrastructure, to leverage improved results regardingreduced time from construction to operation, asset management over thelong-term, and overall management delivery;
Promote cooperation between new andexisting MDBs, with a particular focus on opening up co-financing opportunitieson mutually beneficial terms;
Pursue new innovative approaches tocollaboration, including with providers of concessional sources of climatefinance, donors, private foundations, and institutional investors;
Foster the secondary market forinfrastructure equity and debt, with MDBs supporting the development ofsecondary markets for equity and debt, to allow project developers to recycletheir scarce capital in the secondary market into new PPPs coming to tender,and to create long term assets with a risk profile that is more attractive toinstitutional investors;
Identify opportunities to supportviability gap funding arrangements to help PPP projects meet bankability and affordabilitycriteria;
Further increase MDBs’ financialcapacity through the use of risk sharing instruments such as political riskinsurance and reinsurance, partial risk and credit guarantees, issuance ofgreen bonds, and other such instruments to crowd in other investors;
Develop new tools to leverage MDBbalance sheets and bring in new private sector capital, including from theinsurance market and institutional investors; and
Further strengthen domestic financialsystems in client countries to support sustainable infrastructure financing.
Future meetings of the Global Infrastructure Forumand Reporting
We expect that the GlobalInfrastructure Forum will be held annually, to review progress. Theresponsibility for hosting the Forum will rotate among the MDBs. Preparationsfor the Forum will continue to be carried out in an inclusive manner, incooperation with the UN system through UN-DESA. The outcomes of the GlobalInfrastructure Forum will be reported to UN Member States via the Financing forDevelopment Forum.
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