新西兰政府采购网2016年10月27日消息 新西兰政府采购办公室热烈欢迎这个新成立的小组—社会服务采购力小组。该小组将专注于支持社会组织和机构加强采购能力建设,并致力于与提供社区服务的供应商订立契约。

Welcome to the Social Services team
27 October 2016
New Zealand Government Procurement is delighted to welcome a new team, Social Services Procurement Capability. This team will focus on supporting social sector agencies in their work to enhance procurement capability and their engagement of providers working in the community.
Every year, government spends billions of dollars on services to improve health and educational outcomes, reduce crime rates and protect New Zealand’s most vulnerable citizens. Social services is the largest government procurement category by spend, making up 21% of expenditure with third parties in 2012 (MBIE analysis).
Effective procurement of social services is critical for the care of vulnerable or disadvantaged people in our communities. The Social Services team will:
-Connect with people procuring and managing services and with providers
-Link people together to collaborate and share expertise
-Share examples of good practice and better ways of working
In the next few months the team is keen to meet with people engaging or working with social services providers and with social services providers and their representative groups. They want hear your views on the future work of the team.
With social sector agencies, the team is also working on guidance on the procurement of social services and continuing the focus on streamlined contracting.
To find out more about the team and resources available please see their web page or contact them via email.