NCPPP(National Council for Public-Private Partnerships),美国政府和社会资本合作(PPP)国家理事会,成立于1985年,是美国一家非营利、无党派社会组织(网站www.ncppp.org)。该理事会是为合作领域最聪明的创意和发明家们设置的竞技场。她拥有持续增长的公共和私营企业会员名单,其丰富多彩的培训和公共教育课程汇聚了全国公私合营领域最核心的资源。理事会成员们以无与伦比热情投身于最具生产活力、效率最高的公共服务事业之中。

原文:About NCPPP
The National Council for Public-Private Partnerships is a non-profit, non-partisan organization founded in 1985. The Council is a forum for the brightest ideas and innovators in the partnership arena. Its growing list of public and private sector members, with experience in a wide variety of public-private partnership arrangements, and its diverse training and public education programs represent vital core resources for partnering nationwide. The Council’s members bring an unmatched dedication to providing the most productive and cost-effective public services.
Every activity of the Council is geared to enhancing the partnership process from networking events, such as conferences and issue forums, to sharply focused opportunities, such as Committees, Institutes, the Speakers’ Bureau and the website. The benefits of Council membership are bounded only by the vast energy of its members.
Across the country, governments are being challenged to operate more efficiently and cost-effectively and are turning to an accepted tool for serving public needs. In addition to the resources available to its members, the Council has access to expert consultants providing accurate, timely information to the general public. It advocates partnering, where appropriate, at the federal, state and local levels through formal and informal presentations.
The mission of The National Council for Public-Private Partnerships is to advocate and facilitate the formation of public-private partnerships at the federal, state and local levels, where appropriate, and to raise the awareness of governments and businesses of the means by which their cooperation can cost effectively provide the public with quality goods, services and facilities.
To serve as an advocate of public-private partnerships.
To provide complete, objective, timely and useful information on the utilization of public-private partnerships to provide services and facilities to the general public.
To facilitate communications between public- and private-sector members with respect to issues related to the implementation of public-private partnerships.
To conduct educational, training and other activities on public-private partnerships.
To provide input to the public dialogue in support of the use of public-private partnerships and removal of impediments to their implementation.
To facilitate an international dialogue on public-private partnerships in support of the foregoing objectives.
Key Values
Full and open participation by public and private members and encouragement of frank communication between the public and private sectors.
Assistance to both the public and private sectors in public-private partnership analysis and implementation.
Promotion of member teamwork in fulfilling the Council’s mission and achieving its objectives as a non-profit, non-partisan organization